Singing Guide: The Day Before Spring

Singing Guide: The Day Before Spring

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Welcome to this tutorial on how to learn to sing like a music icon. In this article, we will focus on the legendary American singer, Barbara Cook, known for her soprano voice of exceptional range, agility, and clarity. Barbara Cook was also known for her excellent acting, having won Tony awards for her roles in plays like The Music Man and She Loves Me. In this tutorial, we will discuss her unique vocal technique, favorite songs to showcase it, and recommend some practical advice and Singing Carrots resources for you to learn for yourself.

Barbara Cook's Unique Vocal Technique

Barbara Cook's voice was praised for its bright timbre, effortless high notes, and impeccable diction. To achieve this, she employed several techniques, such as breathing from the diaphragm, lifting the soft pallet, and good posture. Breathing exercises were also part of her routine, which helped with breath control and support.

One of her unique vocal techniques was her use of "forward resonance," which means singing with the sound vibrating forward in the mouth and the face. This technique gives her voice a clear, bright, and resonant quality.

Favorite Songs That Showcase Her Technique

Barbara Cook had several favorite songs, which showcased her impressive vocal technique. One of her most famous performances is "Ice Cream" from the musical She Loves Me, where she hits high notes and does vocal runs with ease, agility, and a bright timbre.

Another favorite song of hers is "Glitter and Be Gay" from Candide, where she demonstrates her vocal range and precision in pitch. Her delicate vibrato in this song is also worth noting, which enhances the beauty of her voice.

Practical Advice and Singing Carrots Resources

To learn to sing like Barbara Cook, first, remember to breathe from your diaphragm, maintain good posture, and warm up your voice with exercises like vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, and vocal pitch monitor. Singing Carrots' vocal training tools like Pitch Training, Practical singing exercises, and singing courses are great resources for anyone looking to learn vocal techniques.

Furthermore, the following articles and skill-related videos from Singing Carrots should be beneficial to improve your singing abilities:

  1. Voice registers & vocal break
  2. Breath support
  3. Open mouth & throat
  4. How to learn a song effectively
  5. Avoiding constrictions
  6. Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking
  7. Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting
  8. Vocal distortion & Growling
  9. Singing with Vibrato
  10. Resonance in singing
  11. How to find your authentic voice
  12. Vocal health
  13. How posture affects your singing
  14. How to overcome stage fright
  15. Tips for performing on stage

In summary, Barbara Cook's vocal technique is characterized by her use of "forward resonance," which creates a bright, resonant sound. Her favorite songs, "Ice Cream" and "Glitter and Be Gay," showcase her range, pitch accuracy, and vibrato. By following practical advice, Singing Carrots resources, and Barbara Cook's technique, you can take your singing abilities to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.